Enovating Lab Ideas y Estrategia

enovatingLab ideas & estrategia


01/06/2015 - Self Government Presentation

Appearance of Jon Azua at the Basque Parliament last 27 May

The Basque Parliament is prepared to give shape to a new status of self-government for Euskadi. The paper that works in that purpose closed on May 27 the first phase of the work, the previous round of experts, who point the strengths and weaknesses of the Basque self-rule before taking the step of designing a new status.

He defended create structures of State "not of the past", but new structures in line with the future of the Basque Country. He also considered that the best for the territory is the independence, to be a sovereign country like the other 27 States of the European Union.

Documentation used by Jon Azua in his appearance: Self Government Presentation
