Enovating Lab Ideas y Estrategia

enovatingLab ideas & estrategia


10/30/2014 - Jakiunde Conference: Crisis and Industry. Lessons of the past to build the future.

Jon Azua, President of Enovating Lab, participated in the Conference organized by Jakiunde - Krisiak 2014 project.

“Crisis and Industry. Lessons of the past to build the future” is the third conference organized by JAKIUNDE Krisiak 2014 project. This conference has tried to look at the always problems from enriched perspective by the experience, look into the past in order to find the guidelines for the future.

The conference has taken place on October 29, taking part the protagonists of several of the transformations that our country has lived: Jon Azua (Former Vice-President of the Basque Government), Juan Ignacio Vidarte (Guggenheim), Ignacio Martín (Gamesa), Andoni Aldekoa (Town Hall of Bilbao), Mª José Aranguren and Mikel Navarro (Orkestra), and academics of Jakiunde Andrés Arizkorreta (CAF), Mª Carmen Gallastegui, Pedro Miguel Etxenike, José Antonio Garrido and Javier Retegi.

Below you will find the presentation used by Jon Azua:
